Friday 25 May 2018

Kauri Syndicate Room 18 Awards to Danielle and Ryan

Congratulations to Danielle!

Danielle is an enthusiastic learner in Room 18 and she is becoming more confident when problem solving at Maths time...well done!

Congratulations to Ryan!
Ryan is an enthusiastic learner and he is making pleasing progress with his schoolwork...well done Ryan!

Friday 18 May 2018

Thank you to Eric for helping at the Working Bee

Mrs Driver and Mrs Venville were very grateful to the students and families who helped with the gardening at the School Working Bee recently. Thank you to Eric from Room 18!

Room 18's Pink Shirt Awards went to Carolyn, Rebecca and Ryan

Congratulations to Carolyn, Rebecca and Ryan(photo to come) for winning these awards for being helpful, caring students in Room 18...thank you!

Principal's Award to Jessica

Jessica received the Principal's Award for her excellent effort with learning and for her outstanding successes, especially in Literacy...Congratulations Jessica! We love listening to the wonderful stories you write.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Jessica's Autumn Poem


Flaky leaves beyond my view, orange ones, and yellow too

Deciduous trees shedding leaves all Autumn long

Children playing to a brightful bird chirping it’s song

Air with a touch of Winter breeze

Pine cone collectors stashing up

People stomping on crispy leaves, sounding like crackling fireworks shooting up from the ground

Wispy wind travels past my ear

Coats done up, gloves pulled on, closed in shoes and crackling velcro

By Jessica


Danya's Autumn Poem


Leaves fall, drifting slowly
Crunchy leaves crumble underneath my feet
Leaves descending as slowly as a feather
Warm air touches the crispy dew like it was saying, “Hi!”
Wind passes softly, but it is gone as soon as it came
Delighted kids scream as they jump in crumpled orange leaves
Birds whistle as they pass us quickly

By Danya

Brodie's Autumn Poem

Leaves fluttering like a butterfly while falling to the ground
Trees’ leaves falling off the trees
Birds in every tree making wonderful sounds
Wind pushing the clouds into different shapes
Sun bright with it’s sunbeams shining on the ground

By Brodie  

Sonia's Autumn Poem


Crunchy leaves falling silently like pieces of paper into a pit of multicoloured leaves,

A pair of lovebirds gliding through the glorious air,

Camelia plants are losing their beautiful petals that shine in the sunlight,

Old wrinkly leaves trying to grab onto the curvy tree branches.

Erin's Autumn Poem


A pair of love birds
Singing in the tree
Flaky leaves fluttering
Landing on the foggy green grass
Red and orange mixed coloured leaves
Gliding to the ground
Butterflies whizzing all around
Camelia flower petals
Floating to the dewy wet grass

By Erin

Monday 14 May 2018

Ryan's Autumn Poem


Orange, red and gold leaves falling gently onto the ground like a tissue
Wind howling, blowing down the crunchy leaves
Children’s footsteps pressed into the crunchy leaves
Children snuggling into their jackets

By Ryan

Poppy's Autumn Poem

Green and orange leaves falling off the trees                                                                                           
As they get old they break like dust
Big petals, small petals gliding off a bush,
One by one, two by two each fall off a tree
Birds jumping in a pit of leaves
Kids with layers of coats on

By Poppy

Rebecca's Autumn Poem


Children jumping on Autumn leaves
Seeing bright, colourful leaves falling like feathers
Feeling all warm in my jacket
Looking at all the leaves hanging on for dear life
Seeing all the shapes and sizes of the leaves
Watching little birds sing happily

By Rebecca



Ruby's Autumn Poem


Crunchy leaves drifting in the air
Feeling the breeze gently touch
Deciduous trees slowly losing leaves
Goldish leaves shimmering in the sun
Colourful leaves holding on tight
Crumbly leaves getting crunched up
Whistling birds flying past
Jackets on, buttons done up

By Ruby

Monday 7 May 2018

Friday 4 May 2018

Our Selfies

Look at our colourful, patterned Selfies inspired by the artist Sandra Silberzweig.

Congratulations to Jiaqi and Eric

We like the way you put lots of effort into your schoolwork. 

       You are also kind and caring to others...thank you Jiaqi!

Thank you Eric for also showing thoughtfulness to others. You have made super progress with your schoolwork, especially your Maths...well done!