Friday 3 August 2018

Tinkering at Tinker Time

On Tuesday we had a bit of Tinker Time.  We chose something we'd like to Tinker with from six different stations Mrs Lee had set up around our classroom. 

We were able to chose from...  
- Mystery Bag
- Building Challenge
- Makey Makey 
- Hour of Code - Minecraft Edition 
- Magazine Creations 
- Citizenship Badge

Tinker time is all about giving things a go, and you guessed it Tinkering.  Mrs Lee gave us a starting point, where we chose to take a challenge, badge or provocation was up to us.  Our only rule was we needed to keep calm and try things out.

Room 18 are pretty amazing at tinkering.. here are a few photos of us hard at work ... 

As part of our Tinkering Mrs Lee challenged us to take screenshots and photos of the process we were going through while Tinkering.  We're going to use these screenshots and photos to create a screen cast tomorrow.  We'll be using a great tool called Screencastify.  This is another way we can Share and Shine.  When we've had a few goes at using Screencastify we'll share some of our screencasts with you so watch this space... 

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOOooooo new tinker time activities that Mrs Lee has introduced. I can see you really following our learning pathway with 1)Get Thinking, 2)Exploring, 3)Making meaning and connections; and then 4) Sharing & Shining!
