Monday 17 September 2018

Father's Day Breakfast

Thanks to all the Dads who were able to come to the Fathers Day breakfast. Thanks also to the Mums who helped. 
Nathan's Mum helped serve the food at the breakfast. His Dad enjoyed a coffee and bacon buttie before leaving for work.
Carolyn and Danya's Dads enjoyed the bacon butties too. Danya's Dad had a hot chocolate while Carolyn's Dad drank a flat white.
Mrs Robb is holding the prize(a scooter). Rebecca is wondering who the winner will be. You had to make a paper plane and fly it the furthest to win.
 Ruby's Dad is enjoying a birthday cuddle with Ruby after the breakfast.
Poppy showed her Dad her beautiful art work in our classroom after the breakfast.


  1. Wow! It seems that the fathers day breakfast was a big hit and the bacon butties. I got a bacon buttie, hot cakes and a hot chocolate which were delicious!

  2. Everyone must of had fun at the fathers day breakfast. It seemed that everyone got a bacon buttie they must of been delicious!
