Monday 17 September 2018

Carolyn's Turtle Report


Turtles are reptiles. There are seven species of sea turtles. Turtles are like tortoise expect that tortoise lives on land.

Turtles have  hard shells that protects them like  shields. These upper shells are called  carapaces. Turtles also have lower shells called plastrons. They have four flippers and they don’t have ears.

Most of the turtles live in the sea water but some live in freshwater.

Sea turtles are omnivorous. Sea turtles eat seagrass, algae, sponges, sea squirts, squid, shrimp, crabs, jellyfish, cuttlefish and sea cucumbers.

Turtles have existed for around 215 million years. Some sea turtles are in danger of dying out because people collect their eggs. People use too much plastic and they go down the drain then into the sea. The turtles think it’s a jellyfish and eat it but then they get sick and die!

By Carolyn


  1. Great job, Carolyn! Your turtle report is turtle-tastic! You taught me so much about turtles! For instance, I didn't know that some turtles lived in fresh water. The different names for their shells are quite difficult and confusing, but they are also pretty cool names!

  2. Great research. Very interesting.

  3. Wow... amazing comment Carolyn! I learnt a lot when reading your report. I didn't know that turtles have existed for 215 MILLION YEARS! Good job!

  4. Wow...Amazing report Carolyn! I learnt a lot when reading your facts. I didn't know that turtles have been around for 215 MILLION YEARS! Good job!

  5. Wow Carolyn... spectacular work! Great research I learnt that they ave lived since 15 million years ago. 👍👍

  6. Well done Carolyn! I thought your report was awesome! I hope all the turtles don't die so my family is trying to not use plastic bags or straws.
