Wednesday 7 February 2018

Today Shaun and Jordan from Musiqhub came to demonstrate instruments which they teach after school at Sunnyhills. Shaun played the trombone, trumpet, saxophone, flute and the clarinet. Jordyn played his electric guitar and will teach guitar skills. Chris was unable to come today but he will be teaching keyboard skills.


  1. Welcome to Year 4, Room 18. I hope you enjoyed your break and first 2 weeks back at school with the lovely Mrs Morris! Who is going to learn an instrument this year? What instruments will you try? I can play the guitar but I'm not very good. I only play very easy chords and currently my guitar has strings broken. When I was at school, I loved to play the recorder!

    1. Thank you for making our first comment Mrs Driver. Some of Room 18 have agreed to reply to your comment.

    2. Thank you for Room 18 first comment. We are enjoying Room 18. I think I'm going to play tunes on the guitar with Jordan.

      Jessica Rm 18

  2. thank you for room 18's first comment.I am not learning a instrument at school this year because I have got violin class twice a week.
    Eric Yao Rm18

    1. What grade are you on? I'm on grade 3.
      Zoey Rm 18

  3. Very exciting, Poppy is considering the trumpet :)
    (Poppy's Mum)

  4. thank you for Room 18's first comment i think i might try the key board :

  5. I want to try the clarinet but I have Brownies and when I go to Guides I will see if I can start playing the clarinet.
