Monday 17 September 2018

Danya's Turtle Report


Turtles are amazing reptiles. Turtles come in all shapes and sizes. They have been around for millions of years and some turtles live longer than people! Like other reptiles, turtles are cold blooded.

Green Sea Turtle-the Atlantic ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Pacific Ocean.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle-coastal bay and streams of all continents, except Antarctica.
Olive Ridley SeaTurtle-Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica and India.
The adults stay in shallow water and near the coasts, but sometimes they go to the open sea.
Depending on their species, sea turtles may be carnivores, herbivores or omnivorous which means they eat both meat and plants. Sea Turtles might even eat other sea animals.

Turtles can be olive-green, greenish-brown, reddish brown or even a blackish colour. Turtles have a shell for protection and flippers. for swimming.

Turtles are phenomenall but they are also endangered. HELP SAVE TURTLES BY NOT USING PLASTIC BAGS!

By Danya


  1. Very interesting, Danya. I have certainly learnt a lot about turtles in this report!

  2. Wonderful work Danya! I learnt a lot from this phenomenal report 👍🏻👍🏻

  3. Wow! Great report Danya I have learnt a lot reading your spectacular report. My family and I are trying our best to not use plastic bags. Is your family trying as well?
